Monthly Archives: May 2008

the swarovski mask way.

[audio:50cent-skimaskway.mp3] recently, the googles provided me a couple of examples of some really idiotic uses of swarovski crystals. i, like most of you, probably had no idea what swarovski “crystals” were until the great cellphone craze of ’06. like you, i too was happy of having a quick and easily identifiable way to dump the […]

how to get ahead in the music biz.

these photos ((what a shitty watermark, dudes.)) of the diddlez and cassie hit the net earlier in the week, causing all sorts of discussions about puff’s wrongness, cassie’s talent and whether or not those discussing it had the right to offer an opinion on the subject. around the same time, el-p’s we’reallgonnaburninhellmegamixx 2 ((two… two… […]

achoo, achoo.

[audio:everyonenoseremix.mp3] i got hella links ((not to be confused w/hella cosigns on AIM.)) to this remix earlier in the day, mostly pointing back to the leak from yeezy. i figured it’d be pointless to write about, but, after a few hours — we’ve got behind the scenes footage via youtube, and the site that inspired […]

they played stevie.

[audio:omar-fallin.mp3] over breakfast that included mimosas. not for me mind you, ime a fuckin’ dude. but she seemed really happy that day. it was straight out of one of those independent films. young broke black kids. beautiful jawn. overconfident nerd dude. i can’t even remember the other person at the table. like, not at all, […]

blame GTAIV.

one of these wide receivers was playin’ a bit too much grand theft auto. [audio:bustarhymes-wheresmyfuckinmoney.mp3] i’d much rather have a wideout hold out, instead of pullin’ the cal out.