Tag Archives: chicken vs. egg

jj abrams on the mystery box.

i don’t watch lost.  or heroes.  & i hate the hell out of most reality competition shows.  i am a huge fan of getting in on the ground floor, w/out that, i feel lost ((massive apologies for the pun)) and that i don’t fully understand what’s going on. however, i am a huge fuckin’ fan […]

how to get ahead in the music biz.

these photos ((what a shitty watermark, dudes.)) of the diddlez and cassie hit the net earlier in the week, causing all sorts of discussions about puff’s wrongness, cassie’s talent and whether or not those discussing it had the right to offer an opinion on the subject. around the same time, el-p’s we’reallgonnaburninhellmegamixx 2 ((two… two… […]

content drives design or design drives content?

i’ve probably used the phrase “content drives design” at least a thousand times or so when discussing “doing websites” for people. i typically throw it out there as a means of discerning how serious people are about creating a site and as an attempt to not do a site for that person. sites are interesting […]