they played stevie.


over breakfast that included mimosas.
not for me mind you, ime a fuckin’ dude.
but she seemed really happy that day.
it was straight out of one of those independent films.
young broke black kids.
beautiful jawn.
overconfident nerd dude.
i can’t even remember the other person at the table.
like, not at all, not ever the gender.
something is telling me it was another woman.
she always got the brunt of the jokes when she was the only chick.
she held her own though.
i always talked too much over food and didn’t eat enough.
she might have picked up the tab too.
this is a good memory.
i forgot about it.
this omar song is playing.
one of you cornball audiogalaxy okp motherfuckers sent it to me.
it reminded me of the *much better* stevie song.
but, i can’t remember that song to save self.
when i do though, and i download it ime gonna put that shit on repeat.
the song is over now…


‘flowers’ just shuffled up.
“straight up colorful draws, mad whores on the weekend…”

and, that’s how life is, “i broke up w/my ex on some bachelor shit/ now ime killin’ two birds with the same dick…”

i went through my okp folder today. eventually, i’ll need to save those files over here. i still can’t find the shit i wrote about common’s lwfc album cover. i’d like to say i’m waiting to get my hands on that as some kind of excuse as to why i haven’t created a means of reproducing some of these “classics,” but, me and you both know it’s a lie.

stay classy, netfriends.

blame GTAIV.

one of these wide receivers was playin’ a bit too much grand theft auto.


i’d much rather have a wideout hold out, instead of pullin’ the cal out.

to be bigger than the hnic.

i’m a sucker for self-samplin’

Rich boy explains that the name bigger than the mayor comes from a recent visit to a school, meanwhile philadelphia’s jersey tuckin’ mayor {via} continues to back annie oakley.

You’ll never get a shot at making an hnic part 2 if you keep dressin’ and endorsin’ like that, you goofy tucker, nutter.


make love in this office.

Love In This Club (Hurricane Ivan’s ‘The Office’ Mix) {via}

That\'s What She Said

i’ve been looking for an excuse to use this picture of Michael Scott for some time now. strictly because i want to be able to link to it as a form of saying “that’s what she said.” i suppose this song is as good a time as any.

Kobe = Mamba = Snake = Viral?

so, this video of young lower merion is beginning to make the rounds.

whether or not it’s real is of no consequence. it is, however, an obvious advertisement. check the profile of the dude who put it up, his start date/number of videos and lil’ mamba shoutin’ out the name of the not available shoe. typically, such transparent garbation would get a huge thumbs down, but, i do adore the shoe… i’ve peeped the shoe from various sources and want to pick one up.