West Coast Avengers: Initiative

If instead of giving you idiotic humps a brand new book w/brand new characters, a battle against hobo-zombies, a tussle w/some throwback villains & a melee w/a new team of villains — you guys got another stupid wolverine comic, would you have bought it? i mean, i know the answer for me, but what about you humps. The Order was a fantastic book. It’s a shame it’s canceled. I hope some of these characters make it into some other titles, although, obviously the team dynamic will be lost. Pick up a trade or two.

where’s my money, honey? (part 1)

inspired by Chris Sims’ fantastic writeup of Luke Cage demanding his scrilla, i decided to find the absolute best image (quality wise) from the intarweb as possible.

Cage, Doom, Money Honey

the original goal was a typical “big image w/ sound file” post including a link to Sims’ blog. i even had a nice little song picked out and that would be that.


however, along the way, a few cool things happened…

like, finding a shitload of remixes of got your money from all across the internets.

which, was sorta perfect, because i had already decided to start remixing the picture myself.

for years ((i think the first time i “said” it was in a paper i wrote for one of those freshman writing classes at dear ol’ state)), I have been saying that hip-hop is the cornerstone of our cut’n’paste culture. this “project” has showed me how things have advanced and how everyone is borrowing from everyone. Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V, indeed.

as we continue along this jurnee, we will see the true glory of samples, allusions, remixes, refixes, slight winks/nudges and everything that incorporates how my brain works.

or, something like that…

not another one.

say what?

tiombe lockhart – gp

this is dedicated to 2008.
2007 was good, and all, but oh, ate…

i need you to be the one/
not another one/

’07 was highlighted by hot shots tennis, black milk, gianna ((yeah, that gianna. i linked the google search because even if you have safe search turned on, she’s still the number one result. and, if you don’t and didn’t know who i was talking about — take some time to get acquainted.)), a move back to philly and, some shit that’d make John Stewart cry. in oh eight, i look forward to stability ((but that zigga zagga calendar comes a close second)). alas…

bliss seems so far away/
can’t seem to change our way/

talk to me, betty.


for some reason, when i first heard bubba sparxxx song, i thought he was referring to the ubiquitous “Betty.” The Page, Davis, Rubble or any of the countless pinup/skater/bartenders with sailor tattoos and an affinity to brown liquor.

boy, was i wrong.

Betty Davis


Read more about her at soul-sides, then go buy an album or two.

thanks to a heads up from the comments, donnie made me take another look at some joi songs i’ve had sitting around. i picked up starkitty’s revenge and amoeba cleaning syndrome sitting and never really listenened to either one. truly, i was hyped for joi after hearing her sing on a live raphael saadiq bootleg from ’04. never knew she did a cover of the song.

the live version of copycat is what hipped me to her in the first place. outside of the lesson screaming that she was next.

damaged goods.

a toast to naitch.

Understand, whenever you are calling some young lass “damaged goods,” it’s because The Nature Boy explained the true meaning of that word. It’s his laugh, that taunting point, the knowing WHOO! and the feeling that your new lady is somebody else’s old lady. She rode Space Mountain and it went All Night Long.