so, don’t go driving around blasting this police + thieves mixtape too loud. might fuck around and get yourself caught up.
watch your backs, fam.
so, don’t go driving around blasting this police + thieves mixtape too loud. might fuck around and get yourself caught up.
watch your backs, fam.
while smart alec’s like ta-hennesy and the bourgie crew discuss white people music, i’ve decided to keep things lowbrow with this bus a bus who makes an interesting political statement about the global economy. sure, jigga was spendin’ euros in plural ((no matter how he stretched it, that doesn’t rhyme)) but that new shit is A-rab ((pronounced like I-talian)) money.
[audio:bustarhymes-arabmoney.mp3]special shout out to the dude that made tresvanty what it is today.
a lil’ late, but here’s a great writeup describing The Man Who Laughs. which also inspired a great piece On Luthor. I’ve never been into the DC books. but, i don’t know if this could be done for any of the Marvel supervillains. still, I’ll keep my eyes open for the DOOM and Magneto writeups, just in case.
of course, we know what happens after that above image, right?
some, even have similar tresses. as a younger man, i would attempt to compliment ladies on their clothing choices as a means of showing them that i noticed them. back then, i thought the difference between a dress and a skirt was in the length, below the waist. anything short was a skirt, i believed the longer were dress.
so, i understand that these are not skirts, even if you think they are closer to shirts than dresses.
alltheparties is right next to lastnightsparty when it comes to my favorite source of pictures at clubs. it’s a great source of lulz, “oh no she di’ints” & to know what’s hot in the streets.