Category Archives: music

judgment day is no gutted.

and that’s a good thing. so, beans album leaks… nahright throws up the track w/Jay. and the ripple effect happens. which throws me for a loop, cuz, well, “Gutted” just can’t be the track that people were looking forward to on this album. it can’t be the track that stands out ((that’s gotta go to […]

most unfortunate.

so, freeway’s album has leaked. it doesn’t contain “where you been?” or that small world (not to be confused w/Small Wonder) track that was gettin’ play down in the ATL. overall, after the first listen, all i can feel is — it’s no Philadelphia Freeway. i’d like to be able to call it a sophomore […]

accountant handle my money, but i double check.

i was going to name this entry “try to speak my name out loud and mispronounce me.” but i thought it was a bit long and not so gaga on the google. extracted lyrics as post titles may not be the hottest thing on the toobs anymore, but it is most certainly one of my […]

just foolin’.

there’s a lady over in [the section to the left] directly in front of men’s bathroom #1 ((the preferred dumping grounds)), that has, what appears to be, a “homemade” gerald levert calendar. because i pass by it at least twice a day, i’ve come accustomed to seeing him as i enter and leave my secret […]

like, rock a party, star.

i thought the whole let’s-try-to-make-a-song-like-da-shop-boyz shit had reached it’s apex w/”do the rockman” by some-no-name-group that get’s played-way-too-much on the radio down here. apparently, i forgot that Mr. Piss-on-You liked making music that was appealing to children, so he enlisted luda ((doesn’t he have a daughter? call me whatever makes you feel better, but i […]