Category Archives: black maybe

she predator machiko.

That doesn’t look like Sanaa to me. {src}

of destros and men.

so, recently, pics of destro in the new gi joe movie have leaked. and, they are complete shit. i understand holding “the mask” back because it doesn’t “go” w/the new look of the film, but you could have easily shot this rat faced bastard from behind wearing the mask and made a few gazillions of […]

blame GTAIV.

one of these wide receivers was playin’ a bit too much grand theft auto. [audio:bustarhymes-wheresmyfuckinmoney.mp3] i’d much rather have a wideout hold out, instead of pullin’ the cal out.

to be bigger than the hnic.

[audio:richboy-haterswish.mp3] i’m a sucker for self-samplin’ Rich boy explains that the name bigger than the mayor comes from a recent visit to a school, meanwhile philadelphia’s jersey tuckin’ mayor {via} continues to back annie oakley. You’ll never get a shot at making an hnic part 2 if you keep dressin’ and endorsin’ like that, you […]

down with the king.

so, i originally intended for this to go up before Trips’ return against The Booker Man at SummerSlam. I knew Booker was being fed to the Lion and thought it disgusting. but, alas, timeliness and the great slack kept me from publishing on time. now, it looks like King Bookah has left the E and […]