Monthly Archives: September 2007


“i’m coming home again. do you think about me now and then? do you think about me now and the en enn… cause i’m coming home again. cuh ming home uh gen.” [audio:kanyewest-homecoming.mp3] this dude had a ton of photos, but, a fairly disgusting watermark, as well.

down with the king.

so, i originally intended for this to go up before Trips’ return against The Booker Man at SummerSlam. I knew Booker was being fed to the Lion and thought it disgusting. but, alas, timeliness and the great slack kept me from publishing on time. now, it looks like King Bookah has left the E and […]

Tired of Being Badgered

although this set of commercials isn’t as badgersome as the legendary badgerbadgerbadger and seem to be completely missing A SNAKE!, it’s still pretty entertaining.