Monthly Archives: February 2007

the firefox switch.

so, i downloaded the tiger style admin plugin from and installed w/out the slightest concern of reading the instructions. along the way, i realized that it wasn’t working. this, of course, was because i was still using ie6. even after the good folks over at edited hipped me to the firefox plugin that would […]

Spit Hot Fire

Even though some people may have a problem admitting they are, indeed, a rapper (not a businessman, not a motivational speaker, not the manager at sunglass hut), Killer Mike reminds us of why many of us wish we could be top 5 like Dylan.

take me out w/the fader.

i used to fux w/the fader, hard. i’ve probably still got a few of those first issues in my closet. next to my lifesucksdie, old complex, a few issues of trace and other shit i used to pick up from tower on south st. tossed it in my bookbag, and was on my way. out […]

this must be our time.

or, at least, Matthew Snyder thinks that spending any more time waiting for i’ll sleep when your dead is a bad idea.

Towards Classification

Status gets a helping hand from commenter DocZeus, who hijacks this post about the recent 50 and Cam beef to break down the difference between flow-ers, lyricists and the adlib generation.