Category Archives: squared circle

damaged goods.

a toast to naitch. Understand, whenever you are calling some young lass “damaged goods,” it’s because The Nature Boy explained the true meaning of that word. It’s his laugh, that taunting point, the knowing WHOO! and the feeling that your new lady is somebody else’s old lady. She rode Space Mountain and it went All […]

down with the king.

so, i originally intended for this to go up before Trips’ return against The Booker Man at SummerSlam. I knew Booker was being fed to the Lion and thought it disgusting. but, alas, timeliness and the great slack kept me from publishing on time. now, it looks like King Bookah has left the E and […]

top five wrestling moves: tag team edition.

i am an avid fan of the squared circle. i use phrases like, “tap out,” “turn heel” and “no sell” in everyday conversation. over the course of my lifetime, i have attempted to slap several individuals in the texas cloverleaf and have snuck up on a few of them to lock them in the powerful […]

cognitive dissonance.

cognitive dissonance explained. cognitive dissonance in action. it’s interesting to see how people (publicly) deal with information as it becomes available. it’s almost like seeing the actual wheels inside people’s minds turn to formulate the next thought. cognitive dissonance is one of those things i new existed before i had a psycho.jargon term to latch […]