the jena six: around the net.

so, you’ve heard about the jena six by now, right?

The Jena Six: the White Tree
this image is from while seated

i’ve been trying to figure out why separate searches for the phrase “the jena six” and the 3 words the jena six give different search results. i mean, i understand why, but i don’t “know” why.

technorati has 2058 blog posts about this. when i click publish, that’ll go up by at least one.

the most dugg ((is that the correct terminology? i don’t really eff w/social bookmarking sites)) story on digg has 10 diggs.

somebody went and registered and has been updating with the ongoing particulars. although, i think i got the most out of the updates from While Seated (although i would defintely avoid the comments on that page).

Petition Online is probably a neat thing, and maybe it’s really important to somebody, but i always disregard it as online bullshit. so, although i did sign it, i also wrote this lil’ entry about it. i implore you to do the same. somebody that googles into your blog for music, fashion & other bullshit would be well served to run into a lil’ injustice as well.

and, over here, we can find a few more links to places of action.