Monthly Archives: December 2008

need moar tuba.

this is how my mind works. saw helen mirren ((gmilf of the year 2008)) w/them big ol’ lady breastessess, which led to… cuba gooding jr. ((because of this film)), which lead to… tuba gooding jr., which leaves us here [audio:theroots-75bars.mp3] the roots – 75 bars and now, MOAR TUBAZ. [audio:roscopcoldchain-boxofbullets.mp3] rosco p. coldchain – box […]

ruinous fucks.

ruinous is one of those words you’re gonna hear/read alot if you pay me any attention.  this is a perfect example of how something so right can go so wrong w/one simple mistake.  the other colors get screwed just as bad.  it just leaves you wondering how good it could have been.