most unfortunate.

50 Eats the Gun

so, freeway’s album has leaked. it doesn’t contain “where you been?” or that small world (not to be confused w/Small Wonder) track that was gettin’ play down in the ATL. overall, after the first listen, all i can feel is — it’s no Philadelphia Freeway. i’d like to be able to call it a sophomore jinx, but, after the ridiculous amount of time between the two albums, this is more likely an indicator of just how much of a perfect storm that first album was.

this is quite the letdown.

to make matters worse, it’s got, quite possibly, the worst song title ever,
Nuttin' on Me
da whore-able cyde fx uv da negro’s preoccupation w/misspelling shit for fun-ettical reazuns.

if you can think of a song title worse than that, hit the comments. i smell a top five in the making.

i blame “Fitty.” and, Jay deciding to make American Gangster a solo album over “70’s beats” which basically every member of State Prop (principally Beans & Free) sound better over. i mean, dude didn’t have space on his “concept album” for the people who not only rock the concept better (imnsho) but also who he’s gonna try to get us to spend dollars on in a couple of months to buy their albums. maybe he still thinks that people are gonna buy albums because he drops a Dear Summer on us. or, perhaps he doesn’t give a shit about if anybody else sells.

consider this an ode to what could have been.

Where You Been?

On Paper

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